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In the course of translating the songs for the London production of La Gatta Cenerentola (2-6 November 1999) I have accumulated various materials, which I shall place on this website for anyone who wants to know more about the show.

Searching for Cinderella: Deconstructing La Gatta Cenerentola An article about the history and origins of the show.

The text of the songs from the show Translated into English, with notes. Eventually I hope to have some of the musics up here as well.

Brilliant photo The Stepmother and her favourite daughter, Patrizia.

And, by the way, if you are partial to radical ethnomusicology and popular theatre traditions in Italy, you may be interested in the following:

A Conference on the Political Theatre of Dario Fo and Franca Rame To be held in Cambridge, 28-30 April 2000.


Site created 30.x.99
Last updated 1.xi.99 / 2.xi.09

Contact: ed.emery @